


Blog posts May 2014

alcmaeon Recording

The new recording of my new piece for The Cadillac Moon Ensemble has just been uploaded. Listen to it HERE. Here are the program notes:

"Alcmaeon of Croton was one of the most eminent natural philosophers and medical theorists of antiquity. He was the first to identify the brain as the seat of understanding and to distinguish understanding from perception.    He was also into the immortality of the soul. In this regard, here is a great quote:
"Men perish because they cannot join the beginning with the end."
My piece tonight does not join the beginning with the end (in fact, most of my music never does this) - its journey is a constant forward."

Thanks to the Cadillac for a wonderful performance!

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Summer News

As the summer heat and humidity takes hold of us here in NY, maybe you all want to refresh yourselves with some nice new music concerts! Two events coming up in which my music will be featured:

May 28th, 2014 @ 6:30PM
"Time Notations: Silence, Words, and Music"
Westbeth Gallery
55 Bethune, NYC
Alice Jones, flute; Mary Hubbell, soprano
curated by Elisa Decker and Barbara Lubliner

June 5th, 2014 @ 7:30PM
Dr. Faustus New Music w/ Ensemble 365
The Firehouse Space
Curated by Dan Blake
246 Frost St
Brooklyn, NY
Tickets: $10


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2 blog posts